Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Well today has finally proved how tiring doing nothing normal can be.
Sinus pain, eyes aching and trying to motivate myslef to carry on working form home has got a bit much.
How are you all coping.
Bored now want to get back to whatever normal was.

I cannot celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary as I wanted to but never will it be able to be celebrated at all.

So tired and exhausted but there are workers out thier that need to keep going, the carers, parents, NHS staff, the police, firemen, paramedics, shop workers, delivery drivers childcare providers, and those who keep the supply chain going.
All these people need a big hug when this is over.  They have saved our country.

The morons who keep flouting the guidelines should be put to work in the COVID wards cleaning away the waste products  of the patients.  That wouild teach them.
Sorry me ranting again.  But the idiots who will congrate on beaches in parks etc are stupid and only prolonging the situation.  And the 60 people at a funeral.  What were you thinking off.  There have been several people I have lost and I cannot attend thier funeral because I try not to flount the regulations.  Just do as you are told.

This week is the biggest week in the Christian calender but they wont be able to congrete and celebrate.  It is also Passover and that is a big family time and those who

Think about those people who would be clebrating for religious reasons this weekend and remember that they cant meet so why should you meet up with your mates and creaqte problems for the whole of the public not just a few but EVERYONE

STAY AT HOME and protect the wider public from having to be in a prolonged lockdown.

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